Cycling the Towpath Trail from Kendal to Lancaster

The Towpath Trail can be enjoyed on a Mountain Bike, Hybrid or Road Bike. Follow the route links below for our recommendations!

Mountain / Gravel Bikes

This is a great option for a day out, starting at either Kendal or Lancaster railway station and returning by train. To read more about taking your bike on the train follow this link.

The northern section of the towpath between Kendal and Stainton has footpath status (walkers only). On your bike, follow lanes south from Kendal through Natland, Sedgwick and Hincaster to pick up the Towpath Trail on Well Heads Lane, east of Hincaster Tunnel and southwest of Stainton.

One mile of improved towpath is followed by a rougher surface through Crooklands, Farleton, Holme, Burton-in-Kendal and Tewitfield to Carnforth with spectacular views along the way of Farleton Fell and Hutton Roof Crags. South from Carnforth it’s tarmac all the way into Lancaster city centre.

Follow this map to help navigate the parts where the canal is interrupted by roads and/or watch Daves video for more handy tips.


Get your road bike out and follow the canal corridor via National Cycle Network 6, one of the longest signposted cycle routes in Britain (London to the Lake District).

Following NCN Route 6 means you are close to the Towpath Trail whist enjoying nearby hidden gems such as Dallam Deer Park and Beetham. You’ll join the tarmac-surfaced Towpath Trail in Carnforth where it’s smooth riding into Lancaster city centre.

Family Cycling now & in the future

At present there is a good surface for family cycling south from Carnforth to Lancaster.

By early 2025 the Towpath Trail surface will have been improved from Stainton to Holme, offering five miles of flat, easy cycling to all types of cyclists.

Our long term aim is to replicate this type of improved surface all the way to Kendal to increase the off road cycling and accessibility opportunities for all. 

The Towpath Trail in 'Ways Around The Bay'

Created by The Morecambe Bay Partnership ‘Ways Around the Bay’ is a fantastic resource to help plan cycling trips around Morecambe Bay.

The Towpath Trail is featured on three of the ‘pre planned’ routes, highlighted below. 

Don’t forget to use the ‘Featured locations’ and ‘Points of interest’ buttons to find recommended attractions, cafes, bike and food shops that welcome cyclists.

Bay Cycle Way (26miles)

The Mighty Lune Aqueduct

This route starts at Glasson Dock and finishes in Arnside after following miles of flat old railway lines, coastal promenades and the Towpath Trail with an array of options for cafe and pub stops.


Lancashire, Glasson Dock and Canal Loop (15.6 miles)

This is an enjoyable route away from busy roads via old railway lines, riverside paths and the Towpath Trail. Most of this route is off-road - please ensure your bike is suitable for off road cycling.

The canal is narrow and bumpy in sections, please be aware of other users.


Lancaster, Hest Bank and Morecambe Loop (11.8 miles)

Featuring the varied waterways of Lancaster this route includes the mighty Lune Aqueduct before highlighting views of the Lakeland Fells from Morecambe Promenade. This route includes some short, but busy on-road sections in Morecambe where we recommend slowing down and taking care.


Cycling Towpath Code